Your solidarity and engaged travels in Tanzania

Eramatare mean to " take care "


Travel differently and experience a unique adventure where we are attentive to nature and the traditional lifestyles of local populations.

Eramatare-Experience is a local company, based in Arusha, Tanzania, for solidarity, ethical and responsible travel. Profits from Eramatare-Experience are donated to our NGO “” which is used to implement our humanitarian projects and focuses on children’s education, women’s empowerment and economic strengthening of the Maasai community of Engaruka .

We are passionate about our country Tanzania and we will be happy to share this enthusiasm with you and show you the most beautiful national parks in the north of the country

Eramatare Experience transports you around gentle and alternative tourism. Beyond unmissable natural places, each trip nourishes real encounters. We don't just visit a country, we live it! Exchanges are at the heart of the experience so that everyone participates in local life. We leave our landmarks to settle for the essentials, reconnect with nature and share the daily life of a community. This is where adventure takes on its full meaning, in this dimension between travel & humanity! Our guides and the host communities naturally carry the same values ​​on the ground. Let yourself be carried away, we will take care of you throughout your stay!

A selection of our most popular trips in Tanzania


Tarangire – Serengeti -Ngorongoro


Tarangire – Manyara – Ngorongoro


Manyara -Cratère Ngorongoro – Lac natron- Serengeti

Maasai trek

Walking fron the lake Empakai to lake Natron through the most spectacular and backaward
landscapes of Africa

Kilimanjaro trek

Climb to the top of Africa and discover Kilimanjaro. This mountain composed of 3 volcanoes

Oldoinyo Lengai trek

This mountain is the coldest mountain in the world and the last actief volcano in Tanzania. A

breathtaking adventure guaranteed

Materuni Waterfall

Walking and swimming at Materuni Waterfull

Hotspring at Kikuletwa

swim in the crystal clear waters of this natural pool located in the middle of the

Bikking around Lake Manyara

Discover hidden tresor of Lake manyara from your mountain bike

The endless plains of the Serengeti, crossed every year by the great wildebeest migration, the Ngorongoro crater with its unique density of wild animals, the cradle of humanity in the Olduvai gorges, the pink flamingos and lions that roam rest in the trees at Lake Manyara, the herds of elephants in the wooded savannah of Tarangire, the almost extraterrestrial habitat of Lake Natron…

Kilimanjaro (5,895m) calls to mountain lovers from all over the world, but Mount Meru (4,562m), the remote Empakai trek as well as the active summit of the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano also offer unforgettable destinations.

Finally, we invite you to immerse yourself in our Massai community in Engaruka! To share, to experience, for a common workshop with women and of course to visit our school.


Do not hesitate to let us know your wishes and expectations! Although we offer itineraries, we are flexible in organizing our tours and we are happy to accommodate them. Depending on your interests (hiking, wildlife observation, photography, etc.) and your comfort (whether in a luxury lodge or in a tent around a nice campfire), your trip with us must become a unique memory for you!

We have a fleet of our own comfortable 4×4 Land Cruisers, carefully maintained and specially adapted for the slopes. A team of experienced and knowledgeable driving guides will guide you through your journey.

We make your dream come true!

Let yourself be enchanted by Africa!

Your guide


Directeur et guide



Immerssion maissai

L' école

Tourisme solidaire

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Our commitments to solidarity and responsible tourism