Arusha National Park

Arusha National Park in northern Tanzania is the smallest park, but with its numerous lakes, forests, waterfalls, plains and craters, it offers beautiful scenery for hiking.

It is home to Mount Meru, the second highest mountain in Tanzania, a 4,566-meter volcano in the Arusha region. Its ascent is ideal for altitude acclimatization for Kilimandjaro, which can be seen from here on clear days.

The path is accompanied by many birds such as: Flamingos, ducks, ibises, Egyptian geese, pelicans, crowned eagles, colorful turacos, kites, hornbills.

In the park live: Masai giraffes, buffaloes, warthogs, zebras, antelopes, leopards, black and white colobus, hippos.

Only rarely do you encounter lions or elephants here.

The park has the advantage of being close to the city of Arusha and not far from KJO international airport.

Things to know


Kilimanjaro - Arusha: 1h15 Arusha - Tarangire: 2h15 Arusha - Lake Manyara: 2h30 Arusha - Ngorongoro: 4h Arusha - Serengeti: 6 h Tarangire - Manyara: 1 h15 Tarangire - Ngorongoro: 2 h 30 Ngorongoro - Serengeti: 2 h30 Serengeti - Kilimanjaro: 7 h

Best time to visit

June to October, depending on the dry season, all year round

The great bird migration

August to October


The mammalsZebras, Bubales, Wapitis, Gazelles, Buffalos, Impalas, Lions, Giraffes, Leopards, Cheetahs, Caracals, Honey Badgers, Jackals, Wild Dogs, Pythons, Lizards

Excursions and activities near Tarangire National Park

Nos Treks pour vous faire rêver

Trek massai

Marchez du lac Empakai au lac Natron à travers les paysages les plus spectaculaires et reculés d’Afrique

Trek oldonyo lengai

La montagne de dieu, le volcan le plus froid du monde et le seul  actif de Tanzanie.

Trek kilimandjaro

Grimpez jusqu’au sommet de l’Afrique. Découvrez le Kilimandjaro  une montagne   composée de trois volcans.