Eramatare school
"Eramatare School
The word "Eramatare" comes from the
Maasai language (Maa) and means
"Taking care.
I, Kaira Manangwa Laizer, was 21 years old in 2013, when I made the education of children in our village one of my main concerns because of my very difficult personal history. Most Maasai children are destined to drive goats to pasture and herd them.
In 2021 my path crossed that of my Austrian friend Sigrid Sadjak, and together our vision of quality education for Massai children and the construction of an English school became common. Humanitarian website was born. It is dedicated to donations for children, schools, women's emancipation and all the humanitarian projects in my village.
Since then, with the help of numerous volunteers, we've been taking action to achieve our goals.
In addition to donations, 30% of the profits from my company: Eramatare Experience , go towards our humanitarian actions and the running of the school.

I, Kaira Manangwa Laizer, was 21 years old in 2013, when I made the education of children in our village one of my main concerns because of my very difficult personal history. Most Maasai children are destined to drive goats to pasture and herd them.
Apart from that, most families don't have the money to go to school anyway. But the disadvantages for illiterates today are too great to remain inactive.
In 2013, I began teaching the children of our village in the shade of an acacia tree. As more and more children flock to class, I set aside money from my job as a safari and mountain guide to buy building materials, so that two years later, we can unite our
forces to build a clay building for pre-school classes. From 2015, I call on two Maasai teachers whom I pay to teach Swahili classes to the children, because in the hopelessly overcrowded public school, but which exists, they teach in Swahili, but the Maasai children only speak the Maasai language ( maa).
I call my nursery school Eramatare School ". The word "Eramatare" comes from the Maasai language (Maa) and means "to care".
In 2021, my path crossed that of my Austrian friend Sigrid Sadjak, and together our vision of quality education for Massai children and the construction of an English school became shared. The humanitarian website was born. It is dedicated to donations for the children, for the school, for women's emancipation, and for all the humanitarian projects in my village.
Since then, with the help of numerous volunteers, we've been taking action to achieve our goals.
In addition to donations, 30% of the profits from my company: Eramatare Experience , go towards our humanitarian actions and the running of the school.
● 2013 Class under the acacia with a handful of children
● 2015 Construction of the first earth and wood school, recruitment and payment of two teachers for 90 children.
● 2017 Awareness-raising on the dangers of female circumcision
● 2018 : Donation of a water recuperator
● 2020 : Donation received to build toilets, BBC report on my story
● 2021 : Donation received for the purchase of real offices, birth of my company Eramatare Experience and my website, birth of the NGO and the humanitarian website, construction of a real building with 3 classrooms, and a building for fully-equipped accommodation for teachers.
● 2022 Certified company registration number:
● 2023 construction of a second 3-classroom building, purchase of new offices, construction of a new toilet block, drilling at 70 meters to find water in vain... Welcoming volunteer teachers to share educational methods and teaching tips...
● 2024 Intervention of researchers without borders, for the study of water connections, event of a 1-month participative itinerant trek in Austria in favor of the NGO