Eramatare school

In 2013, at the age of 21, I started teaching the children of my village under the shade of an acacia tree. As more and more children came to be taught, I started putting what money I could aside to buy building materials, with the view to constructing a simple preschool building. Work began 2 years later.

My school is called Eramatare. The word “Eramatare” comes from the language of the Maasai (Maa) and means “We take responsibility”.
The lives of most Maasai children are dedicated to herding goats, which means they have no time for schooling, and very few parents have the financial means to send their children to school.
I myself was forced to run away to the city to secure a secondary education. The hardships I endured only deepened my desire to make sure that the following generations of children in my village could receive an education without having to go through what I did. 
Initially many parents doubted whether it made sense for their children to attend school, as there was simply no tradition in this regard and they feared their children would lose their link to their culture. Yet now 130 children are attending pre-school to prepare for primary school by learning the national language Swahili.
In 2021 my path crosses that of my Austrian friend Sigrid Sadjak, together our vision of quality education for Maasai children and the construction of an English school becomes common, the humanitarian website born.

Since 2021, we have been working to achieve our goals.
Providing high quality education to Maasai children is why we built an English language primary school. We are also founding and supporting empowerment projects for Maasai women. In particular, we want to raise awareness about the forced marriage of very young girls and genital mutilation. We fight to prevent both.
Thanks to many donations and the charity events of several Austrian schools, we have already been able to finance three school classes, teacher accommodation and the construction of a well for the school. In March 2022, our first class began. All the classes of our English primary school are free of charge for the pupils. The running costs (teacher salaries, porridge for the children, school supplies, uniforms, etc.) are financed by standing orders/sponsorships.

Every trip booked with Eramatare Experience, supports our humanitarian causes.

You can find more information about our charity work by visiting our website: organization for families in Tanzania

You can find more information about our charity work by visiting our website

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