Bordered by the Indian Ocean, Zanzibar is one of Tanzania’s most famous islands, located on the east coast. Renowned for its heavenly white-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters, Zanzibar will fascinate you with its dreamy landscapes as well as its history and culture.

Zanzibar Island " Unguja "

Zanzibar Archipelago

Mafia Island

This small island off the east coast of Tanzania is a haven for divers, with an impressive variety of coral and fish.
Between lagoons, mangrove swamps, seagrass meadows and coastal forests, this island abounds in hidden treasures.
Come and enjoy a respectful encounter with whale sharks.

Pemba Island

A true paradise, Pemba Island is the second largest island in the Zanzibar archipelago. 

With its small islets, mangroves, coral reefs and immaculate white-sand beaches, Pemba Island is an ideal getaway for travellers looking to explore off the beaten track.

It’s nicknamed the Green Island for its wild rolling landscapes and lush green vegetation.

Renowned for its scuba diving and snorkelling spots, it’s on the whale migration route. From July to September, come and enjoy a magical whale-watching experience as you sail out to sea.