Machame tour- 6 days

Located in Tanzania, Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak of the African continent with 5895 meters (19340 feet). The majestic mountain is a snowy volcano.

Kilimanjaro is very popular with experienced hikers and new adventurers, as it is considered the easiest of the seven peaks . Kilimanjaro stands alone. Kilimanjaro is not only the highest peak in Africa, but also the highest free mountain in the world.

There are 7 main roads from Mount Kilimanjaro that lead to the summit, Uhuru Peak, one on the north side of the mountain and the rest on the south side. After making the decision to climb to Kilimanjaro, you will have to choose your route.

 I prefer the machame road because it has a beautiful forest and you go up and down that will make the visitors rich at the top.

Day 1– Arusha- Kilimanjaro national park gate- machame cacmp

At your accommodation in Arusha, meet our professional mountaineering guide for detailed orientation on all aspects of climbing and checking equipment. 

We leave the city of Arusha for the Mount Kilimanjaro National Park gate which lasts about 2 hours, where you will complete the entry formalities and meet our local porters who are an integral part of this trip. We leave the park gate and cross the rainforest before reaching the first campsite.

 Overnight: Machame Camp, Distance: 11 km, Walking time: 5 to 7 hours, Altitude (ft.): 5,400 to 9,400, Habitat: Rainforest

Day 2 forestier camp at shira 1 camp

We continue on the path leading out of the forest and into a savannah of tall grass, heather and volcanic rock draped with lichen beards. As we climb through the lush hills and cross several streams, we reach the Shira ridge before descending gently towards the Shira 1 camp. At this point, the view of Kibo on the other side of the plateau is so beautiful. Overnight at camp Shira 1, Distance: 8 km, Walking time: 5 to 6 hours, Altitude (ft.): 9 500 to 11 500, Habitat: Landes.


Day 3- Shira camp- Lava tower- Barranco camp

After breakfast, we start our hike from the Shira plateau to the lava tower before heading to the Barranco camp. Shira is one of the highest plateaus on the planet. You continue to the east on a ridge, crossing the junction towards the Kibo peak and our direction changes towards the southeast towards the lava tower, also called «the shark tooth». Shortly thereafter, you continue to the second crossroads that takes you to the glacier de la flèche at an altitude of 16,000 feet before descending to the Barranco hut at an altitude of 13,000 feet. The descent to Barranco camp allows you to finish the day at the same altitude as the one you started, but this day is very important for acclimatization that will help your body prepare for the day of the summit. Night: Barranco Camp, Distance: 10 km, Walking time: 6 to 8 hours, Altitude (ft.): 12,500 to 13,000, Habitat: Semi-desert.

Day 4- Baranco camp- Karanga Camp- Barafu Camp

Today we leave the camp of Barranco and continue on a steep ridge through the wall of Barranco before continuing in the direction of the campsite of Karanga. Afterwards, we leave Karanga and continue to the junction that connects the Mweka trail that goes up to the Barafu refuge for the night. At this point you have completed the south circuit, which offers views of the summit from many different angles. The two peaks of Kibo and Mawenzi are to be seen here. Night: Barafu Camp, Distance: 9 km, Walking time: 8 to 10 hours, Altitude (ft.): 13,000 to 15,000, Habitat: Alpine desert.

Day 5- Barafu Camp- top- mweka hut

From midnight to early morning (midnight to 2am), we continue our way to the summit between the Rebmann and Ratzel glaciers. We go northwest and climb through big screes towards Stella Point on the edge of the crater. This is the most difficult part mentally and physically of the trek. At Stella Point (18,600 feet), you’ll stop for a short rest and be rewarded with the most beautiful sunrise you can see (weather permitting). From Stella Point, you can encounter snow throughout your 1 hour to the top. At Uhuru Peak you have reached the highest point of Mount Kilimanjaro and Africa. Only faster hikers will have the chance to see the sunrise from the top. Soon we say goodbye to the roof of Africa and start our descent to the Mweka Hut campsite with a stop in Barafu for lunch. The Mweka camp is located in the high forest where fog or rain is expected in the late afternoon. Night: Mweka Hut, Distance: 5 km, Walking time: 7 – 8 hours, Habitat: Artic.

Day 6 Mweka- Arusha

After breakfast, we continue down to the gate of Mweka Park where you will be issued your summit certificates. At low altitude, it can be wet and muddy, so you’ll need gaiters and hiking poles. Shorts and t-shirts are most likely to be worn, but rainwear and warmer clothing should be kept close by. From the gate, there is still one hour to the village of Mweka where you will meet your vehicle in the village of Mweka and return to your accommodation in Arusha/ JRO. Night: Arusha, Distance: 10 km, Walking time: 3 to 4 hours, Habitat: Rainforest

Rates 6 days Trek Mount Kilimanjaro route Machame.

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