Serengeti National Park

A park of superlatives: UNESCO World Heritage Site, first national park in Africa (1951), famous for its extraordinary beauty, its endless plains, its landscapes typical of Africa and the extraordinary richness of its fauna.

The Serengeti is located in the north of Tanzania and provides a free habitat for 4 million mammals and 400 species of birds.

The name Serengeti comes from the Maasai language and means “Infinite Land”. The Serengeti covers almost 15,000 km² (1.500.000ha) and is the second largest national park in Africa after the Kruger National Park

The park is known worldwide for the seasonal migration of millions of ungulates, which follow with the rainy seasons to the grazing grounds: During these periods, wildebeest are seen, zebras and gazelles as far as the eye can see.

A breathtaking spectacle and wonder to experience!

Two days are necessary at least to enjoy this park.

Things to know


Kilimanjaro - Arusha: 1h15 Arusha - Tarangire: 2h15 Arusha - Lake Manyara: 2h30 Arusha - Ngorongoro: 4h Arusha - Serengeti: 6 h Tarangire - Manyara: 1 h15 Tarangire - Ngorongoro: 2 h 30 Ngorongoro - Serengeti: 2 h30 Serengeti - Kilimanjaro: 7 h

Best time to visit

June to October, depending on the dry season, all year round

The great bird migration

August to October


The mammalsZebras, Bubales, Wapitis, Gazelles, Buffalos, Impalas, Lions, Giraffes, Leopards, Cheetahs, Caracals, Honey Badgers, Jackals, Wild Dogs, Pythons, Lizards

Excursions and activities near Tarangire National Park

Nos Treks pour vous faire rêver

Trek massai

Marchez du lac Empakai au lac Natron à travers les paysages les plus spectaculaires et reculés d’Afrique

Trek oldonyo lengai

La montagne de dieu, le volcan le plus froid du monde et le seul  actif de Tanzanie.Un paysage a couper le souffle 

Trek kilimandjaro

Grimpez jusqu’au sommet de l’Afrique. Découvrez le Kilimandjaro  une montagne   composée de trois volcans.