Tarangire National Park

Established in 1970, Tarangire National Park is a wonderful destination for bird watching. At the same time, it is home to a lot of game, which is especially evident during the dry season when the animals come to the riverbed to quench their thirst. The picturesque landscape impresses with the many mighty baobab trees (baobabs). Tarangire National Park in the Manyara region is the sixth largest national park in East Africa with 2,850km² (285.000ha) and offers the second highest density of wildlife after the Serengeti.

The park represents the most beautiful landscapes of East Africa: a savannah covered by acacias, broken up by the scattered growth of the impressive baobab trees alternating hills and plains, bogs, swamps, rivers, red termite mounds… It is famous for its thousands of elephants that are native to the area.

It is also home to more than 550 species of birds, zebras, various antelope species, deer, gazelles, buffaloes, lions, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, desert lynxes, honey badgers, jackals, wild dogs, phytons and lizards.

The abundance of its fauna allows you to observe wildlife in their natural habitat at close range.

It is especially easy to observe the animals in the riverbed during the dry season.

Things to know


Kilimanjaro - Arusha: 1h15 Arusha - Tarangire: 2h15 Arusha - Lake Manyara: 2h30 Arusha - Ngorongoro: 4h Arusha - Serengeti: 6 h Tarangire - Manyara: 1 h15 Tarangire - Ngorongoro: 2 h 30 Ngorongoro - Serengeti: 2 h30 Serengeti - Kilimanjaro: 7 h

Best time to visit

June to October, depending on the dry season, all year round

The great bird migration

August to October


The mammalsZebras, Bubales, Wapitis, Gazelles, Buffalos, Impalas, Lions, Giraffes, Leopards, Cheetahs, Caracals, Honey Badgers, Jackals, Wild Dogs, Pythons, Lizards

Excursions and activities near Tarangire National Park

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