solidarity tourism

Our responsible responsible humanitarian actions

20% of our profits go to our humanitarian projects
Education of Massais children in our school which welcomes 230 children, remuneration of our teachers
Empowerment and emancipation of Maasai women through eco-tourism projects and activities (traditional jewelry workshop with Maasai women, sale of jewelry and objects made by women, remuneration of women).


Permaculture teaching and tree planting in the Massai region of Engaruka, severely affected by drought.


Water search and installation of water connections

Raising awareness of plastic waste among local people, clean-up actions in the region and reducing plastic waste on our safaris and treks.
Raising awareness of the issue of female circumcision and its abolition, as well as early marriage of girls.

Our commitment to fair tourism, respectful and fair

Immersion without folklore and artifice, in areas far from any tourist activity, to encourage local populations with committed tourism and help create jobs and emancipate women.
Meals in solidarity restaurants, with profits going to local projects and NGOs
Promoting local initiatives on our trips
Fair remuneration for all guides, porters, cooks and local service providers
Tips for your Kilimanjaro climb are included in the price of your trip: no exploitation.
In addition to the profits going to our NGO, a portion of your trip is donated to the villages and foundations you visit.
We encourage home stays
Our actions are initiated by Tanzanians for Tanzanians, not for handouts.

Our humanitarian projects

Our completed projects: 

● Thanks to numerous donations and charity events from several schools, we have already been able to build and equip four school classrooms and housing for teachers.

● The first preschool class of the free English-language elementary school has been taught since March 2022, and a new class of 30 pupils has been admitted each year to the six-grade elementary school since January 2023. Operating costs (teachers' salaries, meals for the children, school materials, uniforms, etc.) are funded by sponsorships and other donations.
We are looking for additional donors to help us achieve our goals.

● Installation of water recovery systems

● Tree planting

● Under the motto "Teach the Teacher", volunteers are regularly on hand to support local teachers and provide methodological training.

● In 2023, we were able to buy 2 hectares of agricultural land near the school, for self-sufficient farming of the school, and practical garden, as well as teaching permaculture to the local population. Char2Cool is helping us to implement this project.

● The regional group Engineers Without Borders Austria/Tyrol has been working for Eramatare since 2023 on the financing and construction of a water pipeline .

Current projects : 

● Raising awareness of plastic waste and sorting among local populations

● Clean-up actions in the Massai region of Engaruka, plastic collection and recycling twice a month.

● Empowerment of Maasai women through traditional jewelry workshops

● Creation of a school-run cooperative for the sale of jewelry and traditional objects created by Maasai women, with profits going to Maasai women.

● Construction of a new classroom building and children's canteen

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